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    Engineer Your World




    PTC Creo University Academic Package (annual term)

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    PTC Creo University Academic Package and the manufacturing Extension uses the same computer-aided design software used by 27,000 of the world's most successful companies in product development, employing over 6,000+ engineers in every engineering degree and discipline. PTC Creo prepares students for employment by providing them with a relevant, modern product development education. Don't compromise between ease-of-use and capabilities. PTC Creo offers you the ability to freely mix-and-match superior capabilities with truly accessible applications, so you can teach students using the right tool at the right time while maintaining a common user interface.


    For all classroom yearly term options, please Contact Us for a consultation with an Account Manager.

    Onshape Education Enterprise - One-year subscription, access for up to 1500 students

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    Rethink CAD for your institution, with powerful management and administrative features that make it easy to scale. The Onshape Education Enterprise plan gives educators and faculty the tools they need to support and manage any size CAD program. Advanced features provide unparalleled functionality compared to other education plans on the market.


    PTC Mathcad Prime 10 - University Edition

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    PTC Mathcad Prime 10 is the industry standard for engineering mathematics software, enabling you to solve your most complex problems, and share your engineering calculations. And with PTC Mathcad Prime 10, engineering calculations just got better. This release introduces key application, symbolic engine, numeric engine, and usability enhancements.


    For all classroom yearly term options, please Contact Us for a consultation with an Account Manager.

    Vuforia Engine Education- Lab Pack

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    Vuforia Engine offers the advanced technology needed for companies to differentiate the way they sell and market. Build engaging 3D product demonstrations, interactive brand campaigns, or create applications for customers to view and personalize products in their own homes. Augmented reality connects people to products through experiences that drive revenue and brand recognition.

    Vuforia Studio Education - Annual Term License - Hosted by PTC

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    Vuforia Studio Education is the Best Choice for Augmented 3D Training and Instructions

    Author and publish scalable AR experiences that transform manufacturing, service and training processes without the need for extensive programming or costly custom designers.

    Vuforia Studio users can leverage the richness of 3D and the insights from IoT to deliver compelling augmented reality experiences that help improve efficiencies, build better products and enable safer, more productive workers.

    PTC Windchill PLM Software for Schools

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    Realize value quickly with standardized, out-of-the-box functionality across a comprehensive portfolio of core PDM and advanced PLM applications.

    ThingWorx SCO Education Teaching License

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    A cutting-edge product that combines technology, interactive online courses, and hands-on learning to engage students in the Internet of Things. ThingWorx creates smart connected applications with access for an educator and a classroom of up to 50 students and up to 2500 connected assets. Through our classroom resources you can build projects that enable practical, hands-on experience. Engaging videos, project-based challenges, and dynamic learning exercises can be accessed on-demand with PTC University.

    Recommended for Higher Education and Research